Wednesday, June 26, 2024



It’s a cloudy mild day here is central Kentucky. Getting up to 85 here today.

So far it’s been a NORMAL summer. That is there has NOT been higher than normal temperatures. Even though the globalists media tries to frighten us into thinking the earth is burning up. They push “Global Warming” so they can control us and bankrupt us.
I had to replace a damaged solar panel thaIt was damaged in a thunder storm last year. The wind flipped it and one panel struck a cinder block that I had too close. This time I’m tying it down. Now my generator is charging quicker.
I’m building another generator. I’ve stepped up from 4 100w panels to 4 200w.
With the increase in high altitude chemical spraying the globalists are doing, (chemtrails) we have to add more and larger panels to generate the same energy. So far they have succeeded in reflecting 30% of the suns light back into space. Keeping it from reaching our solar panels.

This week I’m building a moveable frame for the new panels. Trying to complete it before they take the grid down.


I had to replace a damaged panel

Because of CHEMTRAILS we have to update our panels
Building Solar Panel Stand

High Altitude Chemical Spraying

I use my Bluetti solar generator to run my clothes washing machine. Power the fans in my house, run my indoor LED lights, charge my portable batteries, charge all my power tools, and charge my phone and laptop.

I use solar power to wash my clothes
I use solar power to charge batteries

I use solar power to run my fans


Thursday, June 20, 2024



Someone posted a question on a homestead group i'm in on a social media site, They asked,

“How can I make extra money on the homestead?”

The time we live in is perhaps the best time in our history to make money working for yourself.

I raised a family of 4 children. My wife never had to work outside the home. My children never had to go to a daycare or baby setter. When the children got old enough they worked in the family business. 

I never paid them for doing chores. That was part of being a family member. But I did pay them well for working in the business. It became a family business.

When I started out back in early 1970s it was tough. I’d walk into a business and be told I was the WRONG COLOR! 

Kroger grocery store stands out. I ask if they were hiring. They would not even give me an application. Just told me I was the wrong color. I’m a white man in case you didn’t know. That’s right white people were being discriminated against even back then.

I got tired of being turned down for jobs so I started working for myself. I found that if you will work as hard for yourself as you would for someone else, YOU WILL MAKE IT.

You have to find something you like and something that won’t cost you a lot of money. 

I’ve always liked making rustic furniture.  

I saw a article in the January/February 1977 issue of The Mother Earth News titled, ”I Make $200 a Week Recycling Willow”. 

Now $200 was a lot of money back in 77. So I started making willow furniture. 

At the time I had a retail Army/Navy store in Louisville Ky. I bought military surplus from Fort Knox auctions. From GIs setting up at the E-Town Flea Market, and Radcliff Ky pawn shops. And resold it in my surplus store in the highlands. 

There was a garage in back of my store so I started making rustic twig furniture after store hours. My furniture business was called The Willow Tree. I figured if I liked willow furniture other people would too. The material was free for the cutting and I enjoyed making it. I started selling pieces. I’d make a piece and put it out in front of my Army Surplus store. Everything I made I sold. 

Once a guy came in to buy some army boots. He told his wife what I made, she came in and bought everything I had. 

I sold the surplus store and started making furniture full time. This was all BC, that is Before Computer, and  BI Before Internet.

I had sales reps in several areas. One in the Boston area. I sold 4 chairs to actress Whoopi Goldberg. She bought them from a shop that carried my work in Boston. I shipped them to Whoopi Inc. Burbank Ca. I had a rep in in Dallas Tx, One in Chicago, and one in LA. I had to pay the reps a 15% commission. Since my customers were retail shops I had to sell to them for a 40% discount. I was shipping out a truck load of furniture almost every week. 

Then the depression of 85 hit. Yes there was a downturn in 85, look it up. I felt like Job in the Bible. One bad news after another. I vowed to never give credit, never buy on credit, never hire anyone to work for me, and only take orders I could fill by myself. 

I purchased a personal computer when they first came out. Spent hours learning programs. I learned D.O.S. at the J.B. Speed School of Engineering at the University of Louisville. When the Windows operating system came along I taught Windows to the guys that run the computer department. At first they thought it was a fad so they rejected learning. Then they ask me to teach them.  This was BEFORE the World Wide Web, now know as the Internet. Since U of L was research school I could get online to other research schools and military sites. It was fun traveling around the world. Then the internet became available to the public. I purchased a domain name and built my own website and started marketing my work. Selling directly to retail customers. I MADE ALL THE MONEY. No more wholesale, no more rep commissions. Since I  was a craftsman, I became a juried member of the Kentucky State Craft Marketing Program called, “Kentucky Crafted”. The state hired me to put on internet marketing seminars. I helped other crafters learn how to sell their crafts online.  I started a Kentucky Crafts web site and built web sites for crafters. 

It was a lot of work back them, BUT, today all the work has been done for us. There are many online sites where you can sell products, WITHOUT building your own site. 

You name it, you can sell it. Many people have gotten rich selling online.

There was a guy that got tired of going to the convenience store at night to buy diapers. He started buying them by the boxful and selling them online, then by the truckload. He became a millionaire. Same with a guy selling pool tables, and a 14 year old that started selling Apple products online. 

So you can sell too! Pick something you like and something that doesn’t cost a lot of upfront money. An item well bought is already half sold. 

My family business was selling things other businesses discarded like pallets and wood. I made and sold pallet furniture before pallet furniture was cool. I bought and sold Kentucky Bourbon barrels, and wine barrels. I made barrel furniture. My Kentucky Barrels web site was the #1 site selling barrels at the time. I sold to motion picture production studios and theme parks.  

I always told my children the money grew on trees for us. 

I had the top website in my field on the internet at that time. I shipped furniture and accessories around the world.

Today there are many online sites where you can sell items. Sites like, Etsy, Amazon, Handmade at Amazon, Ebay, Facebook Marketplace, Bonanza, Gab Marketplace, and other sites that are springing up.

I’ve retired now. My youngest son has taken over the family business. I help him out as much as I can. I do the easy work to stay busy. 

He sells on several online sites. He works from home and is how own boss. It's his only job.

Like I said this is the easiest time to sell in our history. Choose what you want to make or sell. Package it and sell it online. 

You can order FREE shipping boxes from the US post office. They will deliver them for free. You can buy shipping directly from them online, and print out shipping labels from your computer. You can have the post office pickup your boxes at your home for free. 

Here you see some orders going out today, waiting for the mailman to pick them up.

Waiting for USPS Pickup

All the hard work is done for you. Even if dozens of others are selling the same thing, you can sell too.

Chose what you want to sell. Place your adds and start selling.

Saturday, April 13, 2024




Alright. Ive told you that wheat is not good for you. I’ve posted SOME of the information. 
I could fill pages with articles, videos and studies that prove WHEAT IS SLOW POSION. And we should avoid it. 
So what to I do without wheat bread? How do I have sandwiches?
I make my own bread, and crackers. I use almond flour, coconut flour, and flax meal. I also make Oopsie bread, also called Cloud Bread. It’s made from eggs and cream cheese.

First let me tell you about Almond/Coconut bread. 

It makes great bread for toast, sandwiches, and even croutons. 
The recipe is a good base for many kinds of bread. Herb bread, rye bread, coffee bread, even banana bread.
I put ripe bananas in it for a very good dessert bread. 3 ripe bananas, some coconut flakes, and walnuts. WOW. I could sell it for $8 a slice. 

Then for sandwiches I make Oopsie bread, also called KETO or Cloud bread. It is light, you can make it any size you want. round for hamburgers, square for sandwiches, rectangular for hot dog buns. 
It’s made with eggs and cream cheese. 

Here are videos of some of the "WHEATLESS" bread that I make:
Oopsie / Keto / Cloud Bread

And don't forget the CRACKERS
Almond Flour Crackers

You can also use these recipes to make great pizza dough.
Here are some pictures of bread I've made.

This is my Oopsie or Cloud Bread

Oopsie or cloud bread is great for burgers, sandwiches and hotdogs.
You can make it round for burgers, square for sandwiches, and rectangular for hot dogs. You can make it ahead of time and keep it refrigerated. Just make sure you separate the slices with wax or parchment paper so It won't stick.

This is my Almond / Coconut Flour Bread

This is my Almond Coconut Flour Bread. 
This bread makes a dense bread. Good for dunking in coffee and making croutons.
The recipe can be the base for many kinds of breads. I put a couple ripe bananas, some coconut flakes and crushed walnuts in the mix to make a great no sugar added dessert bread. 

Almond Banana Bread & Almond Bread Croutons

And My Almond Flour Crackers.

Almond Flour Crackers

Almond Flour Crackers are a great snack. You can spice them up anyway you like.
Make a bunch, put them in a jar or ziplock bag for a healthy snack anytime.

So you see friends, life doesn't have to end because you don't eat WHEAT.
You will save LOTS OF $$$ and be healthier without it.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024


My 160 Pound Weight Loss and How I Did It

What I Learned About WHEAT

Like I’ve said. 12 years ago I began an in-depth study into health and nutrition. I found that we have been LIED TO about many things.
One of the MANY lies we were told is that Wheat is good for us. And that we should eat “Heart Healthy Whole Wheat” products. 
That lie has caused so much suffering in this country and the whole world it’s saddening. 
The purpose of the USDA is to sell grains. I learned that when you combine diet related causes, around 900 people a day DIE from following the USDA Dietary Guidelines called the Food Pyramid also called the “My Plate”. Where we were told to eat MORE harmful grains and less healthy animal meat and fats.  
As a result of my study I lost 160 pounds and LOTS of health problems. I learned to cut out grains, especially wheat, even organic whole wheat is bad for you. I learned to cut out sweeteners and seed oils.  I learned that animal fat and meat is good for us. Seed oils like canola, soy, and corn are BAD for us. 
When I tried to tell people about the dangers of wheat I heard,
“the bible says we should eat wheat” and about “Ezekiel Bread”. 
Then I found this article during a search. Back then you could do a Google search and actually find TRUE information, not like today when Google censors searches to push government and big pharma lies. The article is “Does the Bible Say We Should Eat Grains?”
So THAT took care of that argument. 
Next I found a book called “Wheat Belly, Lose The Wheat, Lose the Weight and Find Your Path Back to Health” by Dr. William Davis. That book was part of what changed my life. 
I listened to MANY health related podcasts. I found out about the LCHF ( Low Carb High Fat ) lifestyle. And so my life changed.
I am going to link to some of the videos and articles I found about wheat. 
I welcome you to scroll through this blog to fine my earlier posts where I talk about Wheat. I’m reposted many of the posts from my blog from over 12 years ago. 
Read the book “Wheat Belly” here is an online PDF version. And check out Dr. Davis’s web site. He has an updated version of the book and lots of helpful information. 
The Wellness Mama website with the article about wheat in the Bible.
The toxicity of wheat affects every organ in the body. Even the brain. Dr. Davis talks about this in “Wheat Belly”.
Another book you must read about wheat’s affect not he brain is, Grain Brain” by Dr. David Perlmutter. By Neurologist, Dr Perlmutter.
There are MANY videos on the dangers of Wheat one good one you should watch is, "What's With Wheat? What’s With Wheat?’ is a hard hitting investigation into the growing epidemic of wheat & gluten intolerance, and why after eating wheat for thousands of years, it has been linked to so many health problems. Tens of thousand of people are suffering with ill health and don’t realize it’s a result of the food choices they are making.

Dr. Jane Ruby interviewed Dr. Le Merritt on her podcast. Near the end of the interview Dr. Merritt says, we should take care of our health. That we should cut out wheat and that wheat is TOXIC.
Watch the interview HERE

SOME of the DANGERS of Wheat

The Alarming Dangers of Wheat: Unveiling the Health Risks


Introduction: Wheat, the most widely consumed grain in the world, has become a staple in our daily diet. However, recent research has unveiled the hidden dangers of consuming wheat, shedding light on the potential health risks associated with its consumption. In this blog post, we will explore the various ways in which wheat can negatively impact our health and provide examples to support these claims.

  1. Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease: One of the most well-known dangers of wheat is gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. For individuals with celiac disease, consuming gluten triggers an autoimmune response that damages the small intestine, leading to malabsorption of nutrients and various health complications. Even for those without celiac disease, gluten sensitivity can cause symptoms such as bloating, gas, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.

  2. Inflammation and Autoimmune Disorders: Wheat contains a protein called gliadin, which has been linked to increased inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is a key factor in the development of various autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis. Consuming wheat can exacerbate these conditions, leading to worsening symptoms and potentially life-threatening complications.

  3. Blood Sugar Imbalance and Type 2 Diabetes: Wheat is a high-glycemic food, meaning it quickly raises blood sugar levels after consumption. This rapid spike in blood sugar can lead to insulin resistance, a condition where the body becomes less responsive to insulin, the hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar levels. Over time, insulin resistance can progress to type 2 diabetes, a chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels and increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and other complications.

  4. Weight Gain and Obesity: Wheat products, such as bread, pasta, and baked goods, are often high in calories and low in essential nutrients. Consuming large amounts of these foods can contribute to weight gain and obesity, increasing the risk of various health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the consumption of wheat can have detrimental effects on our health, ranging from gluten sensitivity and celiac disease to increased inflammation, blood sugar imbalance, and weight gain. While wheat is a staple in many diets worldwide, it is essential to be aware of the potential risks associated with its consumption and consider incorporating alternative grains and whole foods into our daily meals. By making informed choices about our diet, we can significantly improve our overall health and well-being.

–Flat abdomen
–Rapid weight loss
–High energy
–Less mood swings
–Better sleep
–Diminished appetite
–Reduced blood sugar
–Reduced blood pressure
–Reduced small LDL and total LDL
–Increased HDL cholesterol
–Reduced triglycerides
–Reduced C-reactive protein and other inflammatory measures

Of course, you could choose to cure yourself of this syndrome simply by taking the antidote: foods made with wheat flour like bread, breakfast cereals, pastas, pretzels, crackers, and muffins. All the signs of the syndrome will then disappear and you can have back your protuberant abdomen, irrational mood swings, exagerrated appetite, higher blood sugar, etc. and you will have satisfied the requirements for a healthy diet as advised by the revised Food Plate.

There is so much information about the dangers of wheat available online.
Like I said, Google censors results that go against USDA and BIG Pharma talking points. As I find more of the videos and articles I'll post hem. 
I posted this on Facebook:


It’s the food we eat that is the greatest risk to our health.
Are you having health problems?
Look down, your problem is staring back up at you.
It’s the food on your plate.

One of the biggest culprits is WHEAT.
They modified it for greater yield.
Yield increased 10 fold.
They modified it for greater stability.
The dwarf wheat can stand up to high winds and low moisture.

Todays wheat is a slow poison. It affects every organ in the body. From the brain to the skin.

Read the books called “Wheat Belly” by Dr. William Davis and “Grain Brain” by Dr. David Perlmutter

Remove the poison. Regain your health and save money in the process.

I recommend the book, 

Check back soon

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Kratky Method Hydroponics

 Hello Friends

It's getting CRAZY out there. 

We're seeing more threats to our health and well being.

I'll start posting more on my blog.  I'm still on my low carb journey. Working to get BACK ON TRACK. If you live the LCHF, PALEO, or KETO lifestyle you know all about CARB CREEP.  I'm struggling to lose 50 pounds. I lost 160 when I first started my LCHF lifestyle. Now more than 10 years later I've put an unwanted 50 pounds back on. There was an injury that required surgery and a long recovery that helped the weight gain. But CARB CREEP has a lot to do with it.  I'm making an effort to get back on the wagon.

SO NOW, I'm going to be posting here more often. 

Kratky Method Hydroponics

Kratky Method Hydroponics

The Tanks

It's been a fairly mild winter here in central Kentucky. We did have a short bitter cold spell. I've seen worse. No matter the outside weather I still have an indoor garden in a spare bedroom turned office and now hydroponic room. I use the Kratky Method. It's so simple. No hoses, no pumps. Just set it and forget it. It's so nice to be able to harvest fresh greens in the comfort of your home, in your pajamas. YEAR ROUND.

I've planted many vegetables. A few of my favorites that are so easy are. Kale, Spinach, Lettuce, and Onions. I've planted Tomatoes, Peppers, and even Bush Cucumbers.  I love to make my own Kale chips. I'll post more on that. 

Here is my Kratky Hydroponic garden. I use 10 gallon Rubbermaid Totes I buy used at Goodwill. New Rubbermaid Totes will cost about $20 each. Used ones from Goodwill run around $3. I found the 10 gallon to be the best size.

Used 10 Gallon Rubbermaid Totes from Goodwill Stores

Used 10 Gallon Rubbermaid Totes from Goodwill. 
Color doesn't matter. Make sure you get lids to go with them. 

Use a Hole Cutter to cut various size holes for Net Pots

Net Pots

You will need to cut holes in the Rubbermaid tote lids. If you buy used totes from Goodwill stores make sure you buy ones with lids. If you can't find them with lids, you can always use styrofoam sheets cut to size. You can buy the green styrofoam insulation board from a hardware store and cut it to size your self.  Use a hole saw the size of the net pots you will be using in the tote. I use 2 inch, 3 inch and 4 inch Net Pots. 
Cut Holes in the Lids for Net Pots

Various Size Net Pots


The next thing you have to consider is nutrients for your tanks.  There are many sources of nutrients available. I've tried a few different ones. There are organic nutrients. And you can make your own. Learn more about nutrients here.

Along with nutrients you should have to consider water. I do not recommend tap water. I use rain water. I have several 275 gallon IBC totes hooked to the downspouts on my shop. If you use IBC totes make sure you use food grade. 

Grow Lights

LED Grow Lights

The nice thing about hydroponics is you can grow indoors or outdoors. If you have a green house or bright sunroom that's all the light you need. 
If you are going to be growing indoors you will need grow lights.  I started out with Fluorescent tube grow lights. I still have them. NOW I use LED grow lights. LEDs are much lighter, cheaper and cost about half to operate than the fluorescent lights.  
There are many lights to choose from. Click here for a link to lights on Amazon.

Here You See My LED Grow Lights

Planting Medium

You will need Planting Medium to put in your net pots to start your seeds and grow plants.
There are a couple things you can use. Some people use Rock Wool, some use Coconut Coir. I've tried both. I prefer the Coconut Coir. Coir, also called coconut fibre, is a natural fibre extracted from the outer husk of the coconut.  
Rock Wool Planting Cubes is made of material formed by spinning molten mineral or rock.

Here is a picture of Coconut Coir in Net Pots, ready to plant and place in the Rubbermaid Tanks
Net Pots Redy for Tank
Plants Growing in Coconut Coir Planting Medium


You'll Need Lots of Seeds

And of course you will need seeds. With hydroponics you use the same seeds you use in an outdoor garden. You can purchase seeds from many sources, even at Walmart. 
One Company I like to use is True Leaf Market. It is an online site. They have all kinds of seeds. Check them out.
What you plant is up to you. You can plant in tanks, large jars, and buckets For larger plants like tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers you will want to use a 5 gallon bucket. 

Net Pots for 5 Gallon Buckets

You can get FREE 5 gallon plastic buckets, called pickle buckets at local sandwich shops. They just throw them away. I've gotten as many as 9 at a time.
Get FREE Buckets

Harvest Fresh Greens

You Can Even Grow 2 Onions Per Net Pot

Harvest Fresh Onions

Cut Fresh Kale As You Need It.  It keeps Growing

Fresh Kale For Kale Chips

Fresh Lettuce

It's So Simple. Harvest Fresh Vegetable Year Round 

So you see, it's very simple and inexpensive to have fresh vegetables all year round in the comfort of your own home. 
You can grow for yourself if you're single. For a family, and even grow to market. 
With the all the uncertainties we face, with rising food costs, chemicals in the food.


MY 160 POUND WEIGHT LOSS It’s a cloudy mild day here is central Kentucky. Getting up to 85 here today. So far it’s been a NORMAL summer. Tha...