Tuesday, March 19, 2024


My 160 Pound Weight Loss and How I Did It

What I Learned About WHEAT

Like I’ve said. 12 years ago I began an in-depth study into health and nutrition. I found that we have been LIED TO about many things.
One of the MANY lies we were told is that Wheat is good for us. And that we should eat “Heart Healthy Whole Wheat” products. 
That lie has caused so much suffering in this country and the whole world it’s saddening. 
The purpose of the USDA is to sell grains. I learned that when you combine diet related causes, around 900 people a day DIE from following the USAD Dietary Guidelines called the Food Pyramid also called the “My Plate”. Where we were told to eat MORE harmful grains and less healthy animal meat and fats.  
As a result of my study I lost 160 pounds and LOTS of health problems. I learned to cut out grains, especially wheat, even organic whole wheat is bad for you. I learned to cut out sweeteners and seed oils.  I learned that animal fat and meat is good for us. Seed oils like canola, soy, and corn are BAD for us. 
When I tried to tell people about the dangers of wheat I heard,
“the bible says we should eat wheat” and about “Ezekiel Bread”. 
Then I found this article during a search. Back then you could do a Google search and actually find TRUE information, not like today when Google censors searches to push government and big pharma lies. The article is “Does the Bible Say We Should Eat Grains?”
So THAT took care of that argument. 
Next I found a book called “Wheat Belly, Lose The Wheat, Lose the Weight and Find Your Path Back to Health” by Dr. William Davis. That book was part of what changed my life. 
I listened to MANY health related podcasts. I found out about the LCHF ( Low Carb High Fat ) lifestyle. And so my life changed.
I am going to link to some of the videos and articles I found about wheat. 
I welcome you to scroll through this blog to fine my earlier posts where I talk about Wheat. I’m reposted many of the posts from my blog from over 12 years ago. 
Read the book “Wheat Belly” here is an online PDF version. And check out Dr. Davis’s when site. He has an updated version of the book and lots of helpful information. 
The Wellness Mama website with the article about wheat in the Bible.
The toxicity of wheat affects every organ in the body. Even the brain. Dr. Davis talks about this in “Wheat Belly”.
Another book you must read about wheat’s affect not he brain is, Grain Brain” by Dr. David Perlmutter. By Neurologist, Dr Perlmutter.
There are MANY videos on the dangers of Wheat one good one you should watch is, "What's With Wheat? What’s With Wheat?’ is a hard hitting investigation into the growing epidemic of wheat & gluten intolerance, and why after eating wheat for thousands of years, it has been linked to so many health problems. Tens of thousand of people are suffering with ill health and don’t realize it’s a result of the food choices they are making.

Dr. Jane Ruby interviewed Dr. Le Merritt on her podcast. Near the end of the interview Dr. Merritt says, we should take care of our health. That we should cut out wheat and that wheat is TOXIC.
Watch the interview HERE

SOME of the DANGERS of Wheat

–Flat abdomen
–Rapid weight loss
–High energy
–Less mood swings
–Better sleep
–Diminished appetite
–Reduced blood sugar
–Reduced blood pressure
–Reduced small LDL and total LDL
–Increased HDL cholesterol
–Reduced triglycerides
–Reduced C-reactive protein and other inflammatory measures

Of course, you could choose to cure yourself of this syndrome simply by taking the antidote: foods made with wheat flour like bread, breakfast cereals, pastas, pretzels, crackers, and muffins. All the signs of the syndrome will then disappear and you can have back your protuberant abdomen, irrational mood swings, exagerrated appetite, higher blood sugar, etc. and you will have satisfied the requirements for a healthy diet as advised by the revised Food Plate.

There is so much information about the dangers of wheat available online.
Like I said, Google censors results that go against USDA and BIG Pharma talking points. As I find more of the videos and articles I'll post hem. 

Check back soon


MY 160 POUND WEIGHT LOSS YES IT CAN BE DONE. Alright. Ive told you that wheat is not good for you. I’ve posted SOME of the information.  I c...