Saturday, December 28, 2019


My first post will be near the bottom of the page. Scroll down to see my first posts



We're moving into a new house this week. It's been raining here all week and the forecast calls for rain for the next few days. Bad for moving, good for the very dry state of Kentucky.

I went in to the local water company to set up my service on the new house. The walls of the small rural water company office are filled with dozens of old pictures of the local community from the late 1800's and early 1900's. One thing that struck me was that there were no fat people in the pictures. There were class pictures from local schools, pictures of church pick-nicks, pictures from local businesses, and family reunions. NO FAT PEOPLE. What has changed from then to now?
Our food has been genetically modified, and we eat processed sugars.

Dr. William Davis's new book is out. Just ordered my copy.
I've been listening to interviews with Dr. Davis for a few weeks now.
You can read the first bit of his book on Amazon.

What I've come to learn in my study is holding up, and that is YOU SHOULDN'T EAT WHEAT!
I'm including a few links to interviews with Dr. Davis. 
I hope you will listen to them and get the book.

Dana Carter has a a review of the book on her latest podcast. Give it a listen at:

Dr. Robert Su has an interview with Dr. Davis on his podcast, don't miss it.

And don't forget Rob Wolf's interview with Dr. Davis on his web site:

Corn has also been turned into a frankenfood. 
I want you to check out a book called "The Unhealthy Truth" by Robyn O'Brien
Take a look at the site and make sure you click on the link to her video.

I found a short video titled "9 Toxic Effects of Sugar" on YouTube at:

For all you cola drinkers out there. How much sugar is in a can of cola?

Listen to Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt's lecture at AHS 2011

The Food Revolution - AHS 2011 

"Do you want to improve your weight and health by eating real food? With no calorie counting, no diet products, no hunger? This lecture from Ancestral Health Symposium 2011 shows you how to do it the natural way.

The epidemics of obesity and diabetes are continuing to spread across the western world. Now we know why. Modern science has revealed our mistake.

The unnecessary fear of natural food has inadvertently caused us to eat more of the new food that can make us hungrier, make us eat more, make us fat.

Ever more people are realizing the mistake and seeing the solution. The food revolution is here. Please help spread the word once you know."

Remember "Sugar is Toxic, and Carbohydrates Can Kill". 

That includes WHEAT.


MY 160 POUND WEIGHT LOSS YES IT CAN BE DONE. Alright. Ive told you that wheat is not good for you. I’ve posted SOME of the information.  I c...