Sunday, December 15, 2019

POST FROM JULY 7, 2011 (You Have to Start Somewhere)


"Permanent results only come from permanent changes in diet and lifestyle.
 You don’t get permanently well unless you permanently change the way you live.
70% of the diseases that affect us now are caused by our life choices: how we exercise, … and what we eat".
- from the film Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead

When I decided we needed to make a change in what we were eating I realized I didn't know much about nutrition. I had been avoiding breakfast and eating what I thought was a reasonable diet. Like most people I was taught to eat a low fat, high carb diet. That's a diet with plenty of "healthy" grains. 
Like many fat people I had a diet book on the shelf. I pulled it out and read it. This book was not so much a diet book as a book on food and the body.
The book is "You on a Diet: The Owner's Manual for Waist Management" by Dr. OZ and Dr. Roizen. 

Since reading that book I've learned much more about diet and nutrition. The book was a good start, we all have to start somewhere.
Through the book I did learn some of the foods to avoid. 

I had a talk with my two sons and told them we needed to make a change. I pointed to myself and said this was their future if they continued to eat like we were. I reminded them that I was once as skinny and fit as they are. After loosing their Mom they were ready to listen and agreed to make the change with me.
I pulled the trash can over to the refrigerator and started throwing things out. Next I moved to he cabinets and continued to rid ourselves of the junk we had been eating. I told them we would prepare all the food we ate from fresh ingredients and there would be no more fast foods.

I got on the internet and started my search. You will find all kinds of fad diets and bad information online, but there is lots of good sound information available. After a year and a half of research I have come up with some good, books, web sites, blogs, and podcasts. 

One of the best web sites and podcasts is "Livin La Vita Low Carb" with host Jimmy Moore. Jimmy sets the example of what can be accomplished by lifestyle change. I listen to every episode, you should too. The web site is: you can also listen to the podcast on iTunes.
Another favorite site of mine is "Latest in Paleo" find it here: The podcast is available on iTunes.

It's a start.

Many of the links found on my old posts may not be active now. I will be posting new blogs with lots of the same information. Check back.

More to come.


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