Sunday, December 8, 2019


160 pound weight loss in about 2 years
I had lost a lot of weight in 2 years. After I lost the weight I started working out. I got in shape, toned up and felt like a young man again. One day I was loading wine barrels in my pickup truck. By myself, 125 pound barrels. Like I said, I felt like a young man. BIG MISTAKE. As I picked up a barrel something pulled, and burned, and hurt. I thought I had just pulled a muscle and it would be better in a day or 2, it got worse. I went to a doctor and found out I had a hernia. I thought, what is a hernia but a torn muscle. I can deal with this on my own, after all, I had just lost 160 pounds with no doctors. Well I was wrong. I went for quite a while trying to fix the problem on my own, but it kept getting worse. At the prompting of a very special lady, I went back to the doctor and found out how bad it was. I had to have surgery. This was the first time I ever had surgery.

The day of my surgery
Every thing went well but I was afraid to work out like I had in the past. With the injury and the recovery I had put on weight. I found myself with 50 pounds that I had to lose. Once you lose as much weight as I had, a 50 pound gain is a disaster. 
Loading barrels again. See the 50 pounds I have to lose.

Harder to lose 50 than it was 160 pounds, But I'm doing it.

Over time I had let carbs slip back in to my diet. It's called "carb creep". I got back to my LCHF lifestyle, cut out all the junk that had crept back in, but still had trouble losing the weight. 
I started researching why. That brought me to fasting, intermittent fasting. I now only eat 1 meal a day. I'm on a 20-4 fast. That is I fast for 20 hours and have a 4 hour window in which to eat.  Still on my LCHF lifestyle. I eat as much as I want in that one meal. Now the weight is coming off. I have 24 more pounds to go. It was easier to lose the 160 than it has been to lose this 50. But I am 7 years older now. It's taking longer, but it's happening. I hope to be at my goal weight by the end of January. 

A setback can happen. 
But it can be overcome.


MY 160 POUND WEIGHT LOSS YES IT CAN BE DONE. Alright. Ive told you that wheat is not good for you. I’ve posted SOME of the information.  I c...