Thursday, December 19, 2019


I lost a total of 160 pounds


Every where I go, people who know me ask me how I have lost so much weight. They want to know what diet I'm on.  I tell them I'm not on a diet, that diets don't work and even harm your body. I tell them how easy it is to lose weight. NO diets, NO calorie counting, NO worrying about cutting the fat out, NO worrying about cholesterol, NO running on the treadmill for hours a week, and NO drugs to  take. I let them know they can eat all the fat they want, all the meat and eggs they want. WOW, they say, now they are REALLY interested.  Then, when I tell them what I've done to lose the weight their expression drops. NO they say, I can't give up my pasta, my bread, my potatoes, my cake, my ice-cream, MY SUGAR!  I tell them they WILL give it up sooner or later. My wife gave it up the instant her brain exploded. Excuse me for being so BLUNT, but I've lived it. That was the wake-up call for me. When you know to do good and do it not you are sinning. The body is the temple of GOD. Does God want all that JUNK, all that POISON in HIS TEMPLE? Remember Christ drove out the money changers with a whip. NOT SO SUBTLE HUH?

I know we all have to come to it on our own. No one can force anyone to quit a bad habit.  Interventions don't work with drug users, alcoholics, or sugarholics. They have to come to it on their own, they have to reach bottom, and WANT to change.  Some one said "Intelligent men learn from their own mistakes; Wise men learn from the mistakes of others." Be wise, learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others. Change now before it's too late.  There are things worse than death. My wife would not have wanted to live in a vegetative state, with someone having to take care of her, she would have wanted to go as quick as she did.  I know people who are suffering greatly because of their diets.  

We've all been lied to. We have been deceived by our government and healthcare system. And all for MONEY!

I'm surprised  by how many doctors are now seeing the truth about diet. For the most part, they only come to the truth when THEIR health is threatened. Then they began to study, they find out they have been lied to. They have been taught to follow the company line. If some one has a problem, treat the symptom, give them a drug. There's no money in finding out the why of a problem, no money in teaching people to eat right. If you can't turn it into a pill it's not considered.  Listen to the "Livin La Vita Low Carb" podcast and you'll hear some of the doctors  I'm talking about.

Dr. James Carlson is one who has come to the truth because of health problems. Do your selves and your family a BIG favor and watch the 8 part video on YouTube called:  "Ultimate Wellness with Dr. James Carlson, click here:

The USDA food pyramid has killed thousands and cost us trillions in health care costs.  The Weston A Price Foundation offers a critique of the 2010 USDA Dietary Guidelines. They spoke at the National Press Club on Feb. 14, 2011.  It's a 13 part video on YouTube. WATCH IT ALL.

What do the following celebrations have in common? Christmas, Easter, Valentines Day, Halloween, Birthdays. Besides being pagan in origins, they are all about SUGAR.

There's a lot of money spent on candy during Halloween. According to Nielsen Research,  in 1999 Americans spent approximately $1.9 billion on Halloween candy. Easter ran a close second with $1.7 billion spent. That was over 10 years ago, bet it's a lot more today.

Would you give your children a poison snake to play with? You are when you give them candy.

Pediatrician Doris Rapp performed research on how sugar affects children. The following video clip is from her clinical archives. Watch the video "Sweet Suicide: or How Sugar Ruins Your Health"

Obesity causes many health problems, including heart disease, high blood pressure, liver disease, and strokes. Obesity can kill you by the things it causes!



MY 160 POUND WEIGHT LOSS YES IT CAN BE DONE. Alright. Ive told you that wheat is not good for you. I’ve posted SOME of the information.  I c...