Tuesday, January 21, 2020




Not letters but the modern equivalent, emails.

I love to hear from readers of my blog. I know I am not alone in my low carb journey.
As of today I've lost 150 pounds. It all began two years ago this month. When I began I never dreamed I'd lose so much weight, or feel so much better.

The latest letter is from Emma. Here is what she says:

"I have been following your blog.
Can you please tell me what you eat? What did you eat at the very beginning of your journey?
I have been trying to do zero carbs for 6 weeks and have only lost 15 pounds. I think the culprit is salt and fake creamer (sugar) that I have in coffee and diet pop. I have a long way to go. I would like to lose 80 pounds.

My answer:

Hi em.

It's nice to talk to people who read my blog.

When I first started my journey I didn't know much about nutrition. At first I learned that I should cut out processed foods, sugars, white flour. That's what I got rid of first. I learned that fast food and prepared foods were bad, so I cut them out. I learned that I should prepare all my food from the freshest ingredients I could find, so I do. I learned that I should cut down on carbs, so I did. Latter I learned the dangers of wheat, all wheat, even what we are told is "heart healthy whole grain". It's all bad.

I've cut out:
all sweeteners.
all wheat products.
sweet fruits, like watermelon pineapple, grapes, apples...
most vegetable oils.
all pork products.

I eat:
beef, fat cuts and organ meat is the best.
chicken, whole chicken, skin and all. I love baked chicken skin.
turkey, I love turkey bacon.
fish like salmon, cod, tuna, and sardines.
eggs, eggs are one of my favorite foods. I just bought a chicken coop and 28 baby chicks so I can have plenty of fresh eggs.
good oil like olive oil, tallow, and coconut oil.
green leafy vegetables like lettuces, spinach, kale, turnip greens...
I like tomatoes and onions.

When I want buns to go with burgers or hot dogs I make oopsie bread, which is made from eggs and cheese, or coconut and almond flour bread.
I eat crackers made of coconut, almond, and flax seed flour. Add cheese for great cheese crackers.
I make pancakes from coconut and almond flour, topped with strawberries or blue berries, no sugars.

I have plenty to eat, I never get board and I never miss the bad stuff. I don't get hungry all the time. I can miss meals and not even notice it.
I keep lots of raw nuts like almonds, pecans, walnuts, and cashews around to snack on.
I've lost 150 pounds over the last two years, my energy level is through the roof. 

I've learned to cut out ALL sweeteners, that means ALL natural or fake stuff. It all makes you gain weight.
Don't eat any foods that come out of metal cans, the BPA lining is a hormone that causes obesity and cancer.

I'm glad to hear about your weight loss. Stick with it, this is just the beginning. You'll continue to lose and feel a lot better.

I wish you success.


Hi to all my readers in Mexico. On most days there are more visitors to my blog from Mexico than any other country. Just a warning to you all, PepsiCo has chosen Mexico as the home base for the development of its global healthy snacks initiative
I guess you'll be seeing a lot of "heart healthy whole grains" and "low fat" snacks coming your way.

I went to the dentist this week to have a tooth taken care of, one that has been giving me trouble for a long time.
The dentist said, "I want to thank you for telling me about the book Wheat Belly". I had told him about the book back in November. He said he bought it right after that. He and his wife have read it and changed their lifestyle. He told me of the weight he had lost and the physical symptoms his wife had that are now gone. He said he has given the book out to several friends and fellow dentists. He taught at the Dental school at the University of Kentucky for years before he retired to private practice. He said they are inviting Dr. Davis, the guy who wrote Wheat Belly, to come and lecture. I told him I would like to attend If he does.

More and more people are changing their lives for the better by putting the wheat and sugars out.

Speaking of Wheat Belly, there is a new podcast by Jimmy More called "Ask The Low Carb Experts" I highly recommend it. Show number 3 is "Healthy Whole Grains?" an interview with Dr. William Davis. Make sure you listen to the show and listen to the podcasts.

Dr. Davis says he didn't even scratch the surface of the dangers of wheat in his book Wheat Belly.



I just put a double batch of kale in the dehydrator. My favorite kale is laminate kale, also called dinosaur kale because it looks like dinosaur skin. Kale chips are fantastic, you have to try them. You can buy a very small plastic container of them at Whole Foods for $9.00, or you can make your own.
My little two year old granddaughter LOVES them. We call them Dino Chips.

Kale Facts
Kale is a member of the cabbage family – cousin of broccoli, cauliflower and collard greens – but its leaves do not form a head.   

There are several varieties of kale – curly kale, ornamental kale, and dinosaur (or Lacinato or Tuscan).

One cup of kale (36 calories) is chock full of beneficial nutrients such as:
Fiber – 5grams fiber; raw fiver binds bile acids and helps lower blood cholesterol levels

Antioxidants (carotenoids and 45 flavinoids),

Vitamins (1000% Daily Value vitamin K and 200% DV C) and Minerals (15% DV calcium, 40% DV magnesium, iron, magnesium)…

Sulforaphane a sulfur substance that may protect against certain cancers.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids – It only takes 100 calories of kale to provide us with 25-35% of the recommendation for the basic omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA).
Indole-3-carbinol- may play a role in repairing cell DNA.

Glucosinolates – compounds which provide cancer-preventive benefits.

If you miss the crunchy salty potato chips then baked or dried kale is what you are looking for. 

I wash the leaves, remove the stems, dry them, make sure they are dry, lightly coat the leaves with olive oil, add sea salt and put them in the dehydrator or oven.
WARNING, you can't eat just one. THEY ARE GREAT!

If you would like to write, or email, the address is danmoffett54 -the at sign- gmail.com


MY 160 POUND WEIGHT LOSS YES IT CAN BE DONE. Alright. Ive told you that wheat is not good for you. I’ve posted SOME of the information.  I c...